Saturday, April 08, 2023

A hot take on the Trump indictment

The indictment of former American president Donald Trump was certainly historic. He is the first former President to face criminal charges. 

Writing on his Substack, Steven Beschloss, the well known writer, journalist, and film maker, and brother of the prominent historian, Michael Beschloss, is not celebrating; rather, he sees it as  a sad occasion, not only because a former president has been indicted, but also:

"that he was voted into office in 2016 despite his history of criminality—and that we spent the following four years watching his shameless degradation of American justice, the rule of law and the presidency itself. While I am not in the mood to celebrate, I am nourished by this assertion of justice in which this man—no matter his station in life or the office he held—has been criminally indicted and now must attempt to defend his plea of innocence."

Trump has always come across to me as volatile. While I was glad that he defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, I was concerned that he would do something self destructive during his presidency, just like Nixon before him, or that eventually, his past would come back to haunt him. There was always the risk that his character, with highly credible allegations of womanizing, his well documented impulsive temperament, together with unanswered questions about his business ethics, would bring him undone. The constant conflict and polarisation he has brought to political discourse is also tiresome. 

Even if these charges are a political hit job, Trump has brought it on himself by letting his long list of enemies exploit his weaknesses. He could have avoided it by being honest. Then, whatever mud was thrown at him would not stick.

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