Sunday, April 21, 2019

Please bring a plate

Happy Resurrection Sunday to my reader. A friend forwarded this video to me, Falling Plates. When I had cable television, one of the channels used to run episodes of The Best of the Ed Sullivan Show, a compilation of highlights of the American variety show , which ran on American television for 23 years from 1948 to 1971. If you didn't like musicians, dancers, comedians, acrobats, or ventriloquists, perhaps plate spinning would tickle your fancy. It takes the plate spinner a lot of skill to balance the plate on the end of a pole without it falling off.

Think of your life as a spinning plate on the end of a pole, and the pole as a wobbly foundation for your life, based on the temporal things of this world. Temporal pleasures cannot fill the deepest longings of the human soul for meaning, significance, a sense of purpose in life, for certainty and stability in a tumultuous and uncertain world. Only Jesus can offer this. Through his sacrificial death on the cross, in which he took the punishment for our sins, and his resurrection from the dead, he made it possible for humanity to be reconciled with its creator. The peace that only he can offer with God brings rest to the restless soul.

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