These thoughts are prompted by a social media post I came across the other day, outlining Russian President Vladimir Putin's domestic policy agenda. He is a strong supporter of the Russian Orthodox Church, and in his speeches and other public statements, rejects identity politics, and the redefinition of marriage, family, and gender, in much of what is described as the post-Christian West.
This resonates with an alarmingly high number of Christian social media users in the west, not just in the United States, but throughout the English speaking world. I come across them almost every day.
As Michael Bird observed, Putin is "is considered by many American evangelicals to be the defender of an ethnically homogenous “Christian society.”
This is presented as evidence of Putin's genuine and strong personal Christian faith. Their line of reasoning is that because Putin has pro-Christian policies, he must be one himself. They appear to overlook what Putin is actually doing.
Firstly, is Putin's God okay with him muzzling his political opponents, killing journalists who criticise him, and invading other countries? I wouldn't want to worship a God who lets someone get away with such evil actions.
Secondly, how can Christians accept the notion that Putin is fighting against Christophobia while also perpetrating it, by restricting the religious freedoms of Russian Christians in other denominations. This is widely reported.
I don't understand why too many of my fellow Christians cannot see through his façade. He’s just another politician using Christian symbols and language as a political prop, to make himself look good. He has done this from the very day he took power in 2000. Far from being a genuine Christian, it would be more accurate to describe Putin as a cunning and evil hypocrite.