Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Hard heads and hard hearts

For a bit of relief from listening to Christian podcasts, I decided to listen to the radio broadcast of the Australian Senate. Senators were debating the federal government's controversial repeal of the Medevac legislation. Speaking against the repeal was Senator Catryna Bilyk (ALP, Tasmania). The substance of her speech was good, not that I am an expert on this issue, but for a senior politician, her presentation was unpolished. She spoke with an upward inflection at the end of every sentence. This irritating habit, usually common in younger Australians, make the speaker sound insecure.

She was followed by Mehreen Faruqi (Greens, New South Wales). In speaking against the Medevac bill, she accused the government of being devoid of compassion for human life. Such as accusation sounds highly hypocritical coming from a Green, considering the Greens' pro-abortion stance. It is a pity that their concern for human life doesn't extend to the unborn.

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