Monday, July 27, 2015


The above infographic lists all of the upcoming comic book adaptations that Fox, Marvel Studios, Sony, and Warner Bros have in development for the next five years and beyond. It's slightly incomplete, because even though it's scheduled for release in 2018, Avengers: Infinity War is not listed. 

Who could blame them for wanting to milk the cow, so to speak? Because most of these properties have loyal fan bases, but also find wider audience appeal, they usually do well at the box office. They tap into that part of the human psyche that good will overcome evil, and that innocent people will be protected by noble individuals who are committed to a cause higher than themselves. 

They are idealized versions of humanity, that no mere human being could ever exemplify. It was Jesus who lived his life to serve others, preaching, teaching, and healing, and ultimately sacrificing his life for humanity, breaking the curse of sin that separated humanity from its Creator. 

I don't know when, or exactly how, but one day all evil will be defeated permanently. There will be no additional scenes during the end credits. The end is certain, even if the interpretation of the script is open to debate. Tragically, some people will be turned away from the screening because they don't have tickets, or the tickets they had turned out to be invalid (Luke 14:15-24). 

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