Sunday, September 25, 2011

Matters controversial

Catching up with Bill Muehlenberg at his book launch
This afternoon I was one of 70 people who had the privilege of attending the launch of Strained Relations: The Challenge of Homosexuality. Its author, Bill Muehlenberg, is one of Australia's foremost Christian social commentators, and has lectured in ethics and social issues at various theological colleges. He is generally respected in Christian circles for his boldness and courage in speaking out against current cultural trends in permissive Western society, but outside of the Christian world, and even sometimes within it, he is a figure of derision and hatred. 

As a friend of the author, I went along to his book launch to express my support for him and his important work. This post is written for the same reason, as an expression of solidarity with him. I genuinely like and respect him, uphold him in my prayers, and considering the difficult circumstances under which he works, I see him as an exemplar of God-given resilience and faithfulness to his special calling. We need more Christians like him, with unswerving commitment and dedication. I am very much looking forward to reading this book, and engaging with its explosive content that reveals a side of the homosexual rights movement that the mainstream media deliberately chooses to ignore.

1 comment:

J Curtis said...

Interesting read Ross. I'll have to check him out.